Into the Light

I want to apologize to my followers for the several old posts they received from this website a week ago. I was doing some major remodeling lately, as I will soon begin a photography course, and I hoped to create a nice place to feature some of my “homework”.  During this process, I  struggled with the question of…

Dear Diary

I. Lost. My. Diary. Okay, it’s not a diary—it’s a journal. What’s the difference? Nothing, really. It just sounds better for those of us who are over the age of 13. Anyway, to get back on topic, my journal is missing. I’m not talking an “oops I misplaced it, and need to retrace my steps” missing. I’m talking…

I’m Sorry. I’m Sorry. I’m Sorry.

How many times a day do you apologize? It’s a weird thing, but I’m out of control when it comes to saying I’m sorry. I don’t have to do a single thing wrong. In fact, there are times when the fault can clearly belong to the other person, and yet I will be the first seeking…