Hello! I think it’s about time I started posting again, so here we go! In the summer of 2016, my husband, (then still my fiancé,) and I explored many parks of London, Ontario. It was a wonderful opportunity to relax, and spend quality time together. I loved all these early morning walks we took, and…
Into the Light
I want to apologize to my followers for the several old posts they received from this website a week ago. I was doing some major remodeling lately, as I will soon begin a photography course, and I hoped to create a nice place to feature some of my “homework”. During this process, I struggled with the question of…
The Day I Packed My PS4
My bio describes me as “a happy nomad”, which is true. There’s been a certain amount of excitement each time I’ve dragged out the suitcases… Except for the time I had to travel out-of-state to finalize personal business with my ex. I promise there was NOTHING I looked forward to on that trip. Otherwise I’ve been the eternal optimist, focused on the good in…
Dear Diary
I. Lost. My. Diary. Okay, it’s not a diary—it’s a journal. What’s the difference? Nothing, really. It just sounds better for those of us who are over the age of 13. Anyway, to get back on topic, my journal is missing. I’m not talking an “oops I misplaced it, and need to retrace my steps” missing. I’m talking…
The Intervention
In a previous post, I mentioned I have developed quite an addiction to interest in self-help books. You see, becoming a healthy, happy person is a priority—something I work at every day. A few months ago, I increased my efforts by adding a number of recommended books to my library. Then I started reading. And reading, and reading. And reading. In fact,…
I’m Sorry. I’m Sorry. I’m Sorry.
How many times a day do you apologize? It’s a weird thing, but I’m out of control when it comes to saying I’m sorry. I don’t have to do a single thing wrong. In fact, there are times when the fault can clearly belong to the other person, and yet I will be the first seeking…
Status: Single
My ex used to test my loyalty by asking, “If I die, how long would you wait to marry someone else?” Seriously, how stupid did I look? This was clearly nothing but a trap—a “tell me what I want to hear, or I’ll make your life a living hell” game. Knowing this, I would always paste a…
The Sun’ll Come Out Tomorrow
Hello and welcome! I suppose I could have started out with something a little nicer than a picture of a ratty doormat. Sorry. I’ll try to do better next time. Anyway, my dad used to have a saying: “Life sucks, and then you die.” Yup, that was my dad… a colorful character who didn’t always have the…
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