Hello! I think it’s about time I started posting again, so here we go!
In the summer of 2016, my husband, (then still my fiancé,) and I explored many parks of London, Ontario. It was a wonderful opportunity to relax, and spend quality time together. I loved all these early morning walks we took, and just before we embarked on our latest adventure, a challenging move from southern Ontario, Canada, to northern Saskachewan, I enjoyed a few moments reflecting on these pleasant outings from several years back. So here are a few pics from our time at Sifton Bog. We visited Sifton Bog twice, and many beautiful creatures revealed themselves on both occasions.
Feel free to talk about your nature walks, or leave a polite critique in the comments. Thank you for stopping by! 🙂
This one is not a creature, but it made me think of Stump from the Angry Beavers. 😀
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