In a previous post, I mentioned I have developed quite an addiction to interest in self-help books. You see, becoming a healthy, happy person is a priority—something I work at every day. A few months ago, I increased my efforts by adding a number of recommended books to my library. Then I started reading. And reading, and reading. And reading. In fact, you could hardly catch me without a book in my hand. Well, this new obsession pursuit did not escape the notice of my friend, and our conversation went something like this:
Friend: <turns his attention from the TV> What are you reading?
Me: Uh… <closes the latest self-help book, and lays it aside.> Nothing.
5 minutes later…
Friend: Put that away.
Me: Okay. Sorry. <closes the self-help book, and lays it aside for the 2nd time.>
5 minutes later…
Friend: <pauses the movie> Are you reading again? <sighs loudly> I swear I’ll take that f***ing thing and light it on fire.
Me: <rolling my eyes> All right, fine! But, I’ve seen this movie before.
Friend: I don’t care. You’re hanging out with me tonight. Stop reading. In fact…just give me that. <reaching toward the book>
Me: Hey! <clinging to my book> No!
A brief tug-of-war ensues. He takes the book from me, lifting it above his head victoriously.
Friend: I PROCLAIM THIS A NON SELF-HELP NIGHT! <carelessly tosses the book across the room>
Me: Are you CRAZY??? Did you bend the cover? <hurries over to straighten ruffled pages, and lay the book flat> I should punch you in the face.
Friend: <with one raised eyebrow> Uh huh.
Me: <giving him the look while gracefully returning to my seat> Just shut up and push “play”.
We finish watching the movie while I silently wonder if there is a way his favorite fantasy novel can be “accidentally” dropped into the toilet…
And then I wonder if I can find a good self-help book dealing with anger.
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